Kimberley National Park, Western Australia, June 2006

I can´t find the right words to describe the Kimberly Area, incredible, unbelievable or gorgeous were still understated, I am not overstating. It´s a huge Park (3 times of England would fit into it ) full of spectacular Waterfalls and Gorges, unsealed Roads, strange formatted Boab Trees and hidden Springs.
Plenty of things to discover astonish you.
You can spent a lot of time here but it´s only possible to drive the Gibb River Road, which leads 700 km across the park, in the dry season (may – October ).

Boab Prison Tree, Derby

In 1890 they used this tree as a prison for Aboriginal people. It has got a perimeter of 14 meters!

The Australian Aboriginal legend of the Boab Tree:

"When the tree God created the Boab Tree it was to be the most beautiful of all trees in the universe, with the most beautiful flowers and bearing the juiciest fruit. But as the tree grew to maturity its flowers were mediocre and its fruit had a bad odour and tasted vile. The Tree God became so angry that he yanked the Boab out of the ground and slammed it back in the earth upside down and that is why today, when you see a Boab tree, it looks as if its roots are growing up in the air."

I just Love these Trees so much.

Windjana Gorge, Kimberly

A favourite place to see some freshwater croc´s sunbathing in the early morning.

Tunnel Gorge

This tunnel is nearly 1 km long and some parts filled with water, knee-deep, and some gorgeous stone formations. You need a light if you wanna go through and we discovered some blind shrimps in the water. Poor guys, living in such a nice area and they can’t see it at all.
We searched for some aboriginal paintings at the end of the tunnel, climbed up some big rocks and chased some huge bats out of a cave. Awesome.

Lennard Gorge, Kimberly

Spent most of the day here, jumped a hundred times in the waterfall, trying to get the best figure. We had lots of fun.

Bell Gorge, Kimberly

Sometimes you underrate the time to your destination, we went to Bell Gorge for the sunset which was beautiful, but running back in the dark wasn´t that healthy for our ankle joints.

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