Shark Dive, Beqa Lagoon, Pacific Harbour, Veti Levu, Fiji

A cosy little town with a few small hostels and a Art Village. I stayed in there and was the only tourist.

The reason why I came to this place is hidden underneath the water surface in this protected Bay.

SHARKS!! Big ones, lots of them. Since 10 years they doing shark feeding, they pay the fisherman not to fish in here so you´ve a regular presence of Bull Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Black and White tipped, Tawny nurse sharks and so on…

We´ve done two dives, started in 30 m depth to watch Bull Sharks sneaking around and lurking for some food. They were massive but I didn’t feel afraid at all. We sat down, waited for them to come closer until they finally grabbed there fish heads out of the shark feeders hand. Sometimes you couln´t see the shark coming because of hundreds of other fish. The view wasn´t that good in this time as well, so it was always a big “huuuu” when they arrived out of the nowhere.

oh oh oh, it that what it looks like? hm, at least there are no sharks here :) ha ha.

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